Care Dogs Tips

Types of canine dermatitis

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There are several forms of canine dermatitis, each with specific symptoms and treatments. This is a condition that is often very uncomfortable for your dog, so it is advisable to find a quick solution.

In this post we tell you about the most frequent symptoms and causes of canine dermatitis. Take note!

Types of canine dermatitis

The four most common types of canine dermatitis are described below.

  • Allergic or atopic dermatitis in dogs:

It is one of the most frequent and is linked to the dog’s genetic predisposition to develop allergies. The main causes are pollen, insect bites such as fleas, mites and foods such as cereals or wheat. These factors can affect dogs predisposed to this dermatitis, and represent some of the most common reasons for veterinary visits.

The areas affected are usually the abdomen, face, legs, armpits and groin. Symptoms include intense itching, redness, appearance of pimples or pustules, dryness and darkening of the skin. Treatment is usually based on medications to relieve itching, as well as gels with antibacterial and moisturizing properties.

  • Fungal dermatitis in dogs:

Some breeds such as the shar pei or bulldog can develop fungus in the skin folds due to the accumulation of fat and moisture. Microsporum canis is the most common fungus. This type of dermatitis may appear together with allergic dermatitis.

Symptoms include change in skin color, hair loss, appearance of purulent masses and dryness. Treatment involves the use of topical shampoos or creams to eliminate the fungus and its symptoms.

  • Contact dermatitis in dogs:

It develops when the dog has contact with substances harmful to the skin, such as chlorine, disinfectants, paints, among others. Symptoms include inflammation, redness, itching, hardening of the skin, dryness and crusting. The main treatment is to avoid contact with the irritant substance and consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist.

  • Seborrheic dermatitis in dogs:

It may be caused by excessive bathing or allergies to environmental or food elements. The main symptom is an excess of oil production in the skin, generating an intense and unpleasant odor. The treatment includes baths with special products to restore the skin’s balance.

Consult your veterinarian and take care of your diet

Treatments vary depending on the type of dermatitis, so it is essential to consult a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan. It is important not to administer incorrect treatments that may be detrimental to the dog’s health, so it is recommended to seek professional advice before starting any treatment.

It is also advisable to select foods that minimize the risk of triggering allergies by eliminating common ingredients such as cereals and certain animal proteins. The use of alternative protein sources may be considered.

Incorporating essential fatty acids, present in foods such as fish oil or flaxseed, is beneficial. These acids help reduce inflammation and keep the skin properly hydrated.

Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to a dog’s diet provides vitamins and antioxidants, strengthening the immune system and promoting cellular health.

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