
Ticks and fleas: how to prevent them

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Ticks and fleas are the external parasites that bring the most complications to a pet owner. Bringing with it a multitude of problems that not only affect the animal in question, but also the people who interact with it on a daily basis.

Dealing with ticks and fleas is a complicated task that always requires a good strategy and perseverance. However, a crucial element in avoiding them is prevention through tools and tactics on the part of the individual. Making the topic ticks and fleas: how to prevent them, an element of great importance for every pet owner.

Why are they so dangerous?

Ticks and fleas are highly harmful to all those individuals who have the misfortune of becoming their host, especially if the host does not receive adequate treatment in time.

The main characteristic of these external parasites is that they feed on the blood of an animal, by which they can cause or transmit a number of diseases that, in the worst case, can kill the animal. Not to mention the discomfort caused by the mere fact of being stung by them.

Among the most common problems caused by fleas are skin irritation and allergies, as well as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) and anemia. On the tick side, the most common are Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis and babesiosis.

First stage of prevention: nutrition

Ticks and fleas show a notable preference for sick and weak animals, which usually do not receive an appropriate diet according to their characteristics. A balanced diet that provides all the nutrients required by the pet according to its age and species is essential to prevent ticks and fleas.

A good diet brings as an extra benefit the strengthening of the animal’s immune system, which will allow it to resist and even eliminate some of the diseases transmitted by these external parasites.

Second stage of prevention: cleaning of the home and the environment

The periods of greatest proliferation of ticks and fleas are between summer and spring, being in some countries throughout the year. This makes it vitally important to carry out extensive and rigorous cleaning in the home to eliminate any unwanted guests; this same point applies to outdoor areas such as the garden, especially if the animal spends long hours there.

The use of foggers and sprays specially designed for this purpose, together with a good vacuum cleaner, will be the main tools to keep the home free of parasites. Paying special attention to the places and objects with which the pet interacts the most.

As for the garden, it should always be well trimmed and free of places where fleas or ticks can hide. The anti-parasite products used must not be harmful to other living beings.

The third stage of prevention: routine check-ups

Checking your pet frequently, especially during times of increased tick and flea risk, is another vital part of the prevention process. At each check-up it is important to look closely at the animal and look for signs of the presence of any of these parasites in its body.

Unlike most ticks, which are usually visible to the naked eye, with fleas you should use other tools such as a flea comb or search the pet’s coat for white or black spots, an important indication of their presence.

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