Care Dogs

Onsior for dogs: pain relief with precision and safety

In veterinary medicine, finding the right treatment for pain in dogs is crucial to ensure their well-being. Onsior is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) designed specifically for dogs, used primarily to control pain and inflammation associated with surgeries and musculoskeletal conditions.
This drug has been noted for its effectiveness and for being a safe option for short-term treatment in situations requiring precise pain management. Onsior for dogs

What is Onsior and how does it work?

Onsior contains robenacoxib as active ingredient, a selective inhibitor of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). This enzyme plays a fundamental role in the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for inflammation and pain in the body. By specifically inhibiting COX-2, Onsior effectively reduces inflammation and pain without affecting the protective functions of COX-1, minimizing the risk of gastrointestinal and renal side effects common with other NSAIDs.
Available in tablet and injectable solution form, Onsior is ideal for short-term treatment, usually for up to three days, to control postoperative pain in dogs.
Its formulation allows rapid absorption and action in the body, providing relief in as little as one hour after administration.

Indications of Onsior for dogs

Onsior’s primary use is in postoperative pain control, especially in orthopedic, soft tissue and dental surgeries.
This drug allows dogs to recover more comfortably after surgical procedures, helping to reduce inflammation and facilitating faster, pain-free mobility.

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Onsior is also prescribed in cases of acute pain due to musculoskeletal injuries, such as sprains or tears, where short-term treatment is sufficient to manage symptoms.
Due to its selective action, Onsior is considered safe for dogs that need fast and effective pain relief, without the high risk of serious complications that other NSAIDs may present.

Side effects and precautions

Despite its improved safety profile, Onsior, like all NSAIDs, can cause side effects. The most common adverse effects include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and lethargy. These effects are usually mild and transient, but it is important to monitor the dog during treatment and contact the veterinarian if symptoms persist or worsen.
Onsior is not recommended for dogs with a history of renal, hepatic or gastrointestinal disease, as although it is less aggressive to the digestive system compared to other NSAIDs, there is still a risk, especially with prolonged use or at high doses.
The drug should also not be administered in combination with other NSAIDs or corticosteroids due to the increased risk of gastrointestinal ulcerations or renal dysfunction.

Dosage and administration

The dosage of Onsior should be determined by a veterinarian based on the dog’s weight and the condition being treated.
The tablets are designed to be easy to administer, with a simple dosage of once daily, for a maximum period of three days.
This dosing schedule makes Onsior convenient for both the owner and the animal, ensuring that the dog receives the exact amount needed for its treatment.

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As for the injectable solution, this is usually administered in the veterinary clinic before or after surgery to control postoperative pain.
The veterinarian will adjust the dose and timing of administration according to the condition of the dog and the nature of the surgical procedure.

Alternatives to Onsior

If Onsior is not suitable for a dog due to a pre-existing medical condition or side effects, other treatment options are available.
Other NSAIDs, such as meloxicam or carprofen, may be considered as alternatives, depending on the specific needs of the dog and the veterinarian’s evaluation.
In addition, in cases where long-term pain management is needed, veterinarians may choose to combine NSAIDs with non-pharmacologic therapies, such as physical therapy, acupuncture or nutraceutical supplements. These options can help minimize chronic pain and improve the dog’s quality of life without the need for prolonged use of medications.

Responsible use of Onsior

The use of Onsior should be under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. It is crucial to follow the dosage instructions to the letter and not to prolong the treatment beyond the recommended period. The veterinarian should also be informed of any medications or supplements the dog is taking, to avoid interactions that could put the animal’s health at risk.
In addition, owners should watch for any signs of serious side effects, such as persistent vomiting, bloody diarrhea, changes in urine or unusual lethargic behavior. If these symptoms occur, it is essential to discontinue the drug and seek veterinary care immediately.

The importance of veterinary follow-up

Veterinary follow-up is essential during treatment with Onsior to ensure that the dog responds well to the drug and to make necessary adjustments in case of side effects or lack of efficacy. Constant communication with the veterinarian is key to ensure safe and effective treatment. This includes reporting any adverse symptoms and discussing any concerns that may arise during treatment. Onsior is an effective and safe option for pain management in dogs, especially in the context of surgery and acute injuries. However, its use requires responsibility and veterinary supervision to maximize its benefits and minimize the risks. Onsior offers fast and precise pain relief for dogs recovering from surgery or suffering from acute musculoskeletal injuries. Its selective action and improved safety profile make it a preferred choice for many veterinarians. However, as with any medication, it is essential to administer it with care and under the supervision of a veterinarian to ensure the health and well-being of the dog.