Cats News

“Kedi,” the stunning documentary starring cats.

We already knew that cats are the kings of the internet. His character, his antics, his crazy antics… have made us press play in countless videos that always bring at least a smile to our faces. But the charisma of cats is such that they have not only taken over the most viral videos, but are now even the protagonists of documentaries. Catlovers, we are in luck!


Our feline friends continue to hog the cameras, this time to become the protagonists of a documentary. And we’ll let you know that if you think it’s a bit far-fetched, even though you adore these furries, the result is much better than we thought.

“Kedi”, the documentary starring Istanbul’s cat community.

Many are the felines that roam Istanbul. And this is a fact that for Ceyda Torun, the director of this peculiar documentary, has never gone unnoticed. Why not make a documentary about them? -he must have thought. And yes, he did.
Considering the success of the felines on the Internet, we dare to qualify their project as a clever idea… Torun recently presented the documentary “Kedi” in New York and Los Angeles, which reflects the life of these animals with a certain touch of humanity and talks about the impact that cats have on the citizens with whom they live.

There are exactly seven protagonists. Seven cats that roam the streets and rooftops living together in community. A life that is pursued by a camera to show us their steps through the city in a frenetic and unstable world, but full of emotion in which they coexist with other animals and humans.

Sari, the swindler. Bengu, the lover. Psikopat, the psychopath. Deniz, the social butterfly. Aslan Parçasi, the hunter. Duman, the gentleman. Gamsiz, the playful one. These are the seven cat characters that star in “Kedi”.
With these names and brief descriptions, the documentary looks more than promising. But, as almost always a picture is worth a thousand words, we invite you to watch the trailer below so you can judge for yourself:

“Kedi”, the documentary about cats shot in Istanbul was released last February 10. And yes, in such a short time, it is already promising to become a success on the Web. It couldn’t be any other way with the kings of the Internet as protagonists!

The documentary will also be shown on the big screen, for the time being at the Metrograph cinema in New York (USA). Tickets are sold out… Now it remains to be seen if it will also be taken to other theaters.

As a curious note of this beautiful project, the plans of the company in charge of the distribution “Oscilloscope Laboratories”, in addition to a YouTube channel dedicated to the documentary in which we can find many video pills of the final result, have also created a profile of each cat that will be part of this project..

As we said at the beginning of this post, the result of this project, which if you do not see it can be a real madness, is much better than we thought when we discovered that a documentary had been made with cats as protagonists…
We would also love to know your opinion… Have you seen it yet?