Care Dogs

How to remove tartar from your dog’s teeth

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Does your dog have tartar, do you want to know how to remove tartar from teeth?

Just like people, canine pets can accumulate annoying tartar in their gums, which can also lead to infections or even the loss of some teeth. Here we are going to tell you how to remove tartar from your pet’s teeth and how to prevent its appearance.

In principle, a certain amount of bacteria, known as bacterial plaque, usually accumulates on the teeth. When too much time has passed and plaque has not been removed from the surface of the teeth, tartar, which is hardened and calcified plaque, forms. It has a dark yellow or brown color and is much more difficult to remove than plaque.

How to remove tartar from my dog’s teeth?

To completely remove tartar from your dog’s mouth, it is best to have a complete oral cleaning with your trusted veterinarian. This procedure may require the animal to be sedated so that the veterinarian can work properly.

This is a procedure that has to be performed by a professional; you cannot do it at home.

How can tartar formation be prevented?

Apart from knowing how to remove tartar from your dog’s teeth, you need to accept that, once the dog has tartar, it will be very difficult to remove it with brushing or special food, so it is particularly important to prevent its formation.

The best way to prevent tartar in your pet is with daily tooth brushing. However, this is not something that all dogs like to do and it can also be difficult to do if the dog is not used to it from a very young age.

There are also some chew toys for dogs that are specially designed so that they can gnaw on them and partly replace the use of a toothbrush. Another alternative may be the so-called dental snacks. They are treats to which the pet can be accustomed and are composed of abrasive elements that help remove tartar from the teeth.

About these “sancks”, some brands on the market claim that they have a high effectiveness in preventing and reducing not only tartar, but they are also effective in preventing the appearance of bacterial plaque, as well as avoiding bad breath in your pet.

Don’t forget that your pet’s overall physical health will be very important to help prevent possible infections. Exercise and nutrition are key for your canine. It has also been proven that too much homemade food and soft foods such as pâtés contribute to the formation of tartar.

In short, doing some tartar prevention activities with your pet can avoid a lot of discomfort in the medium and long term.

Dogs more prone to have tartar

Whatever the breed of your dog, if it has not been properly prevented throughout its life, it is very common for tartar to appear after the age of five. However, there are certain canine species in which there is a greater occurrence of tartar.

In small breeds, the dental enamel is usually poorer, in addition to the fact that the teeth are located closer together in the jaw, which makes cleaning more difficult and therefore, there is a greater likelihood of tartar appearing.


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