Dogs Tips

How to interpret your dog’s postures

posturas de tu perro
Escrito por Mundocachorro

Dogs are incredibly expressive creatures that use their body language to communicate with us and with other dogs. Interpreting your dog’s postures can help you understand what your dog is trying to say. In fact, understanding your furry pet through their body postures can strengthen the bond between the two of you and help you respond appropriately to their needs and emotions.

Interpreting your dog’s postures

Here we tell you how to interpret your dog’s postures. The idea is to know about them and to know what some of the most common body postures of dogs can mean.

  1. High tail and fast movement:

When a dog wags its tail rapidly and carries it in a raised position, it generally indicates excitement and happiness. This is a sign of welcome and affection, and your dog is likely excited to see you or interact with you.

  1. Tail low or between the legs:

A tail carried low or between the legs may indicate submission, anxiety or fear. Your dog may feel insecure in a particular situation or in the presence of a person or other animal that he perceives as a threat.

  1. Upright posture with head and tail elevated:

An upright posture with head and tail elevated suggests confidence and dominance. Your dog feels safe in his environment and may be displaying a leadership attitude.

  1. Crouch down with ears pinned back:

If your dog crouches down with his ears pinned back and his body tense, he may be indicating that he feels threatened or is ready to defend himself. This posture may be a sign that your dog is uncomfortable or insecure in a specific situation.

  1. Licking lips or yawning:

Excessive lip licking or yawning can be a sign of stress or anxiety in dogs. Your dog may be feeling discomfort or tension and is trying to calm himself.

  1. Game posture:

When your dog adopts a play posture, you are likely to see a combination of quick movements, jumping up and barking in a jerky manner. This posture is an invitation to play and is a sign that your dog is ready to have fun and have a good time with you.

  1. Alert posture:

An alert posture is characterized by a rigid body, erect ears and raised tail. Your dog may adopt this posture when it perceives an unfamiliar or threatening stimulus in its environment and is assessing the situation.

Takes into account the context

It is important to remember that the interpretation of a dog’s body language must be done taking into account the context and additional signals it may be sending. Watch facial expressions, tone of voice and other cues to get a full understanding of what your dog is trying to communicate. By understanding your dog’s body postures, you can strengthen your bond with him and respond appropriately to his emotional and physical needs. In addition, it is always advisable to consult with a canine behavior professional if you have doubts about your dog’s behavior or if you are facing behavioral problems.

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