Dogs Tips

How much physical activity your puppy needs

Escrito por Mundocachorro

A good early stage of a dog’s life is crucial to its development and overall well-being. During this time, physical exercise plays a fundamental role, as well as other factors. If you are wondering how much physical activity a puppy needs, we can tell you that it varies throughout the different stages of growth. What is certain is that it is a vital activity for your physical and mental health.

Physical activity for your puppy

Let’s look at the different stages of your puppy and what physical activity is recommended at each stage.

Newborn to 3 months

During the first weeks of life, puppies are completely dependent on their mother and their main activity is feeding and sleeping. As they grow and begin to explore their environment, they need small amounts of physical activity. Short periods of gentle play and exploration are ideal for developing their motor and social skills.

3 to 6 months

As the puppy reaches three months of age, it becomes more active and energetic. At this stage, their curiosity soars and they want to explore everything around them. They need approximately 30 minutes to an hour of moderate physical activity daily, which may include short walks, interactive games and basic training sessions.

From 6 to 12 months

This period is crucial for the growth and development of the puppy. Their energy increases considerably, and they need more activity to channel their enthusiasm. They require at least one to two hours of moderate to vigorous exercise each day. Longer walks, active play, and activities that stimulate their mind and body are essential for their health and well-being.

Recommended physical activity

  • Walks: Walks are excellent for developing their socialization, allowing them to explore and exercise their muscles. Start with short walks and gradually increase their duration as they get older.
  • Interactive Games: Games such as fetch, fetch-a-ball, tug-of-war and hide-and-seek stimulate their minds and provide physical exercise.
  • Training and Specific Goal Exercises: Practicing basic commands and agility exercises not only provides physical exercise, but also fosters the bond between puppy and owner.


Avoid overly strenuous exercise to prevent damage to their developing joints and bones. Moderation is key at all stages of growth.

Also, be aware that physical activity needs may vary from puppy to puppy. Some may require more exercise due to their breed, size, and energy level.

It is always advisable to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate level of physical activity for your puppy, especially if he has specific health conditions.

In summary, the amount of exercise a puppy needs varies throughout its different stages of growth. Providing the right amount of physical activity, along with love, care and attention, is crucial to ensure a healthy and happy development in your canine friend.

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