Care Dogs Tips

Find out which dog breeds suffer the most from the heat

Escrito por Mundocachorro

The warmer temperatures of the summer season can be an excellent opportunity for outdoor activities. But it is important to know that just as people are affected by high temperatures, dogs also suffer from the heat. In fact, there are some breeds of dogs that are more prone to the effects of heat than others.

Some breeds of dogs are more prone to heat due to their physiognomy, size or physical characteristics. These dogs may have difficulty regulating their body temperature in hot climates, making them more susceptible to heat stroke or heat stress.

Dog breeds that suffer from heat

Large breed dogs, such as Labradors, Dobermans or German Shepherds, tend to have more difficulty keeping cool. This is because they have a greater amount of body tissue, which means that heat accumulates more easily. These dogs also have a greater amount of hair, which makes it even more difficult for them to keep cool.

Small breed dogs, such as Chihuahuas, Pomeranians or Shih Tzus, also often have problems keeping cool. This is because they have a larger body surface area relative to their mass, which means that heat accumulates more easily. In addition, the coat of these breeds tends to be denser, which makes it even more difficult for them to keep cool.

Short-haired dogs, such as bulldogs, beagles or pugs, are also more likely to suffer from the effects of heat. This is because they have a smaller amount of hair, which means that heat builds up more easily. In addition, the coat of these breeds tends to be denser, which makes it even more difficult for them to keep cool.

Dogs with less tolerance to heat

  • English Bulldog: They have difficulty regulating their temperature due to their flattened muzzle and robust constitution.
  • Pug: Like the English Bulldog, its flattened face makes breathing and temperature regulation difficult.
  • French Bulldog: They also have respiratory problems due to their short muzzle, which makes them more susceptible to heat.
  • Shih Tzu: Their dense and long coat may contribute to their discomfort in hot climates.
  • Boxer: They have difficulty regulating temperature due to their short muzzle.
  • Pekingese: Their flat facial structure can make breathing difficult in hot climates.

Recommendations for high temperatures

To help dogs stay cool on hot days, it is important for owners to provide a cool, shady place for dogs to rest. Owners should provide their dogs with a source of fresh, clean water to drink. If the owners are not at home during the day, it is important that the dogs be taken to a cool, shady place.

Regardless of your dog’s breed, it is important to pay attention to weather changes so that your dog does not suffer from them.

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