Care Dogs Tips

8 steps to toilet training your pet

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Having a puppy at home is one of the most delightful things that can happen in life. But what can be a bit tricky is training your pet to relieve itself. However, this is not an impossible task. In fact, with perseverance and dedication you will soon have your puppy acquiring the best habits for life.

Toilet training

Animal behavior experts assure that it is entirely possible to perform basic training at home so that your pet learns to relieve itself in the right place. It is a job that requires patience, consistency and positive reinforcement. Here is a basic guide to training your dog:

  1. Establish a designated area: Decide where you want your dog to relieve himself, either in the backyard or in a specific area outside your home. From then on, keep that area for that purpose.
  2. Establish regular schedules: Take your dog outside to relieve himself at set times, such as after waking up, after eating, after playing and before going to bed. Puppies may need more opportunities to go outside, as they have a smaller bladder.
  3. Watch your dog: Pay attention to signs that your dog needs to go to the bathroom. Some signs your dog will give you that he needs to relieve himself are walking in circles, sniffing the floor or circling near the door.
  4. Positive reinforcement: When your dog does his business in the right place, praise him and reward him with treats or affectionate words. Positive reinforcement will help your dog associate relieving himself in that specific place with something positive.
  5. Avoid punishment: Never scold or punish your dog if he has an accident in the house. This will only cause confusion and may hinder training.
  6. Proper cleaning: If your dog has an accident in the house, clean the area with an enzymatic cleaner to completely remove the odor and prevent it from re-marking the area.
  7. Patience and consistency: Training can take time, especially with puppies. Be patient and maintain consistency in the schedule and rules to help your dog understand what is expected of him.
  8. Supervision: If you cannot supervise your dog closely, consider using a crate or a confined area to prevent accidents in the house.

Every dog has its own time

Remember that every dog is different and the time it will take to toilet train may vary. Some dogs can learn quickly, while others may need more time. With patience, forbearance and positive reinforcement, your dog will learn to relieve himself in the right place and become a well-behaved companion.

The most important thing to know is that this is a job that can be done with love and care. Be patient with your puppy and you will soon see your efforts rewarded.

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