Care Dogs

6 changes in your dog’s behavior that may be alarming

Escrito por Mundocachorro

There are some changes in your dog’s behavior that may set off alarm bells and require veterinary assistance. In general, abrupt changes in behavior usually have organic roots. That is, they may indicate that something is not right with your beloved pet. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to signs that could be warnings of more complex problems.

Changes in your dog’s behavior

Let’s look at some of the changes in your dog’s behavior that may be of concern. In the face of them, it is very likely that you will need to seek professional help. Take note!

  1. Appetite. If your dog eats normally, but suddenly one day shows a significant decrease in appetite, pay attention. Occasionally, your pet may stop eating altogether. In either case, it is important that you consult your veterinarian to evaluate your dog and look for possible causes for this change. It could be a health problem you are having and you will need to get help soon to fix it.
  2. Lethargy. A dog that suddenly exhibits a decrease in activity levels may have an underlying problem. Also, if he seems tired, doesn’t feel like playing or exercising, you will have to pay attention. It is possible that any of these symptoms is a sign that you are going through some illness or have an ailment.
  3. Stomach problems. The presence of vomiting, diarrhea and bloody diarrhea is a sign that should prompt you to visit your veterinarian. Changes in stool consistency can also be signs that there is a problem with your dog, especially if accompanied by lethargy or lack of activity.
  4. Respiratory distress. If you notice that your dog is suffocating, has a sudden cough, shortness of breath or excessive panting, you should take him to the veterinarian’s office. In more extreme cases, they may be signs of serious respiratory or cardiovascular problems.
  5. Lameness. A dog that has a continuous lameness, or a dog that avoids supporting a paw may have some kind of joint problem. Likewise, if you notice that he has difficulty moving, it could be a joint disease that causes pain when moving.
  6. Changes in urination. If your dog urinates more frequently than normal, or if you notice that he has difficulty urinating, as well as inability to hold urine, you should take him to the veterinarian. The presence of blood in the urine is also an indication that something is wrong with your pet. It may be a urinary tract infection or a symptom of kidney problems.


In any case, whenever you notice sudden or significant changes in your dog’s behavior, you should consult a specialist. The changes you should pay attention to are those that involve differences in their usual behavior, as well as changes in their appearance and mood.

Overlooking these types of symptoms can lead to future problems that could later complicate your pet’s treatment and healing.

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