
5 curious facts about your cat’s eyesight

Escrito por Mundocachorro

As a feline pet owner, you’ve probably noticed that they can see very well in the dark. While this is one of the conditions of your cat’s eyesight, there are a few more characteristics that your kitty possesses. In general, the vision abilities possessed by cats are associated with their condition as hunters. It must be remembered that cats are felines and therefore hunters by nature. In addition to that, your cat’s eyesight has special conditions and in fact, they can see things that humans cannot.

Curiosities about your cat’s eyesight

It is interesting to know how your cat’s eyesight works. This will help you better understand your feline pet. Cats’ eyes are in some respects very similar to those of humans, though in others not so much. In addition, they can have very striking and beautiful shades and colors.

Vision in the dark

Cats’ eyesight in the dark is much sharper than that of humans and in fact, much better than that of many animals. Although they do need some light to see in the dark, they will perform better in the dark thanks to the high concentration of cones in their eyes. Cones are the cells responsible for perceiving light.

Adapted eyes

Cats, like all nocturnal animals, have huge eyes compared to their skull. The reason for this is often attributed to hunting. Throughout the evolutionary process, cats’ eyes have increased in size to hunt for more hours during the day.

Sensitivity to light

The particular constitution of cats’ eyes allows them to have a great capacity to capture light. When the light decreases, the pupil size increases and allows them to capture more light. You may have noticed these changes in your cat’s eyes, since his pupil can dilate and contract easily and you can see the change with the naked eye.

Bright eyes

You’ve probably noticed that cats’ eyes have the condition of glowing in the dark. This striking characteristic is due to the fact that they have a bluish coating on their eyes. It is a membrane formed by reflective cells that allow more light to enter the eyes.

Third eyelid

Cats do not need to blink as often thanks to their third eyelid. The function of this structure is to protect the eyeball and keep the eye lubricated. In this way, you will not need to blink, which is very advantageous when hunting.

Binocular vision

The arrangement of the cat’s eyes on its head allows it to have binocular vision. In other words, they have a 20% greater range of vision than humans, which allows them to have a deeper vision and better visualize their prey.

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