Dogs Tips

Why dogs chase each other’s tails

A common behavior among dogs is tail chasing. In general, dogs chase each other’s tails for play, but there may be other reasons as well.

It is important to know that dogs are very curious and funny animals, attracted to explore everything around them. Of course this includes exploring themselves and their own tails.

Causes of dogs chasing each other’s tails

The reasons why dogs chase each other’s tails can be several. Here are some of the most common ones.

  • Fun and gamesDogs, especially puppies, often chase their tails as part of their play. They like to run in circles and try to catch something that is moving. Upon discovering their tail, they can play tirelessly chasing after it. It is a form of entertainment and exercise for them.
  • Skills developmentTail chasing is an activity that helps them to release energy and develop motor skills. This is especially important for puppies, as it helps them develop good coordination between their hind legs and tail.
  • Boredom or lack of stimulationIf a dog does not have enough physical or mental activity, it may look for ways to entertain itself. Chasing your tail can become a repetitive activity to relieve boredom. In such cases, it is important to ensure that the dog receives sufficient exercise, mental stimulation and appropriate toys to avoid undesirable behavior.
  • Stress or anxietySome dogs chase their tails as a response to stress or anxiety. It may be a way of releasing pent-up energy or a manifestation of a deeper problem. If you notice your dog chasing its tail excessively or compulsively, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian or an ethologist to assess the situation and determine if there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Reinforced behaviorIt is normal that when your dog chases its tail, you pay attention to it. In itself, this can be a reinforcement for the behavior. Sometimes people encourage this behavior by laughing, giving the dog a treat or even showing the dog their tail to provoke the behavior. The result is that the dog will learn that chasing his tail is something he gets attention for, so he will do it more. If attention stops, the dog may become frustrated and insistent, trying to get attention or treats from its pet owner.
  • Medical problemsIn some cases, persistent tail chasing may be related to medical problems such as allergies, skin irritation, parasites, pain or discomfort in the tail or surrounding area. If your dog shows unusual tail chasing behavior or constantly licks his tail, it is important to take him to the veterinarian to rule out possible health problems.


Keep in mind that although it may seem fun to watch a dog chasing its tail, this activity is not always healthy for them. If a dog chases its tail excessively, it may develop behavioral problems or injuries to its tail. Therefore, it is important that you keep an eye on your pet to prevent this from happening.

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