Care Cats Tips

Signs to know if your cat is cold

Cats usually have an excellent ability to regulate their body temperature. In addition, they also have a natural tolerance to cold due to their coat. However, on some occasions they may feel cold. To find out if your cat is cold, you can watch for some signs.

Be aware that when cats are very young or older, they may be more sensitive to cold. In other words, their natural ability to keep warm may be affected. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to signs that may indicate your cat is cold. Find out what they are in this post.

How to tell if your cat is cold

Some ways to detect if your cat is in trouble of this type are as follows:

  • Tremors. A cat that is cold may shiver. If you notice that your cat shivers or has involuntary movements, this may be an indication that it is feeling cold.
  • Position. Observe their body position. If you notice that your cat is cowering or curling up in a compact position, trying to conserve heat, it is probably feeling cold. They can also try to find warmer places in the house, such as those near heat sources.
  • Snuggle. A cold cat will probably turn into a ball. This position allows the heat to be retained better.
  • Touch. If you pet your cat and its body feels cold to the touch, it is probably experiencing low temperatures. Pay special attention to their extremities, ears and nose, as these are the areas most vulnerable to the cold.
  • Unusual behavior. A cat that does not have a good body temperature may become more inactive and less energetic than usual. They may also seek shelter in unusual places or try to find warmer areas to huddle in.

Measures to protect your cat

Caring for a pet means that you will try to make them as comfortable as possible. To protect your kitten from getting cold, you can do the following actions:

  • Shelters. A good idea is to make sure your cat has access to warm, cozy areas in the house. For example, you can provide blankets, insulated beds or even a box with blankets inside for snuggling.
  • Ambient temperature. If the temperature in your home is low, consider adjusting the thermostat to provide a warmer environment for your cat.
  • Clothing. There are clothes specially designed for cats. In extreme cases of cold, you can consider the option of providing your cat with clothing of this type. The bad news is that not all cats tolerate clothing, so you must be attentive to their comfort and make sure that the garment does not restrict their movement or cause discomfort.

Remember that every cat is unique, and some breeds of shorthair cats may be more susceptible to cold than others. If you have concerns about your cat’s well-being in cold conditions, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian for specific guidance based on your pet’s individual situation.

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