
How to cut diarrhea in dogs, what you need to know

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Need to know how to cut diarrhea in dogs? Is your best friend sick?

How to cut diarrhea in dogs, what you need to know

When your dog gets sick, it is normal to worry; your pet deserves your care and consideration. In addition, in the case of diarrhea, many owners do not know clearly how to help their pet.

Here’s what you need to do to cut your dog’s diarrhea.

How to cut diarrhea in dogs in 3 steps

1. Examine the stool

Before panicking, you must make sure that our dog’s diarrhea is not something temporary due to spoiled food that once expelled, he will not have any more.

In this case the diarrhea usually has a normal brown to dark black color and will cease in a short time.

If it has a yellow color and stinks, it is probably caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses, and you should take it to the veterinarian.

If the diarrhea is bloody, consider it an emergency and take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

You should observe well the color, consistency and odor of the feces, to ask the veterinarian what you should do.

2. Apply emergency measures

The first thing is to restore the electrolytes lost by the animal. To do this, give it liquid with nutrients: it can be a meat broth; only water, avoid all solids. The dog must be fasted for 24 hours to avoid dehydration.

If after 24 hours the diarrhea continues, you have to take him to the vet urgently. There the doctor can apply a serum so that the dog does not dehydrate.

After 24 hours, give him rice with meat without spices (these can cause allergies) with a little salt. Salt is important for the animal to retain liquids and avoid dehydration.

Feed it 3 times a day, serving a small amount of food each time.

3. Search for the cause

This is the key to how to cut diarrhea in dogs, because you will be able to prevent this episode from recurring.

The cause of your dog’s diarrhea can be given by different factors such as:

  • A change in diet.
  • A spoiled meal.
  • Foods harmful to your health that cause allergies and adverse reactions.
  • Non-edible objects.
  • Foods that cause allergies.
  • Worms, parasites or bacteria.

If you are unable to determine the agent that caused the diarrhea, talk to your veterinarian to determine the cause and what can be done to prevent a similar event in the future.

4. Warm up your dog

When weak or sick, dogs tend to feel a little cold. You should cover your dog with a blanket to make him feel a little more comfortable once the diarrhea passes.


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