Care Tips

How to cure a burn

Escrito por Mundocachorro

For any pet owner it is terrible to see their pet suffer from a burn, hence the importance of knowing how to act in such cases, therefore, below we will tell you how to cure a pet burn.

Types of burns

The types of burns to which any animal may be exposed are as follows:

  • Electrical burns: at home there may be bare wires or electrical connections in poor condition, which can generate electric shocks for your pet, this contact with electricity can generate first and second degree burns.
  • Radioactivity burns: these are burns resulting from sun exposure, exposure to x-rays and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Thermal burns: these are burns produced by the pet’s contact with hot water, flammable gases, cold or direct fire.
  • Chemical burns: these are burns resulting from contact with chemicals such as gases or acids.

How to cure a burn step by step

If the burn your pet has is a first degree burn, it can be treated by its owner, whereas, if it extends over an important part of its body or it is a third degree burn, it is recommended that the pet receives veterinary care.

Therefore, if the burn occupies a small part of the body or represents a first degree burn you should do the following:

  1. First of all, you must reassure your pet, it may look frightened and will not want you to touch it, so approach it very carefully.
  2. If your pet does not allow you to take it to heal it, ask for help to immobilize it, in this way you avoid doing more damage by touching the wound inappropriately.
  3. With clean hands, take a sterile gauze, dry the burn and clean very well to avoid possible infections.
  4. Next, apply a moisturizing ointment, preferably containing antibiotics, to hydrate the affected area and prevent any infection.
  5. Another alternative is natural creams or natural substances such as honey, which helps healing and is antiseptic. Aloe vera is another excellent natural option, since it helps the regeneration of burned tissue.
  6. In the case of a second degree burn, repeat this process of cleansing and moisturizing the skin at least twice a day. This will allow a quick recovery of the pet’s skin.

Keep in mind that this process, both for first degree burns and second degree burns, must be done very carefully because these wounds are very painful.

If after 3 days you notice that the wound worsens, pus appears or does not heal, it is best to seek help from a veterinarian, so your pet will receive the attention of a specialist.

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