Care Cats Tips

Signs that your cat is nervous

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Cats can be very affectionate with humans, but they also tend to have their own character traits. As felines, cats have a special sensitivity to change. This causes your cat to be nervous or stressed in a variety of situations.

Learning to recognize your cat’s signs of stress is part of the daily coexistence you can have with your pet. Remember that many cats tend to have a solitary and territorial side and if this is affected, he could become nervous.

Signs of a nervous cat

A nervous cat will give off some signals that you can quickly recognize. For example, if your cat exhibits some behavioral changes, it could be a sign of stress. Other symptoms that will let you know your cat is nervous are as follows:

  • Your cat is apathetic or shying away from contact
  • Stop playing as usual
  • Changes in the way you eat or stop eating
  • Changes in body attitude such as bristly fur, ears tilted on the head and stiff whiskers
  • Another bodily symptom is a tense or stooped posture.
  • A nervous cat may snort, growl or meow constantly.
  • If your cat has dilated pupils, pay attention.
  • Excessive scratching or licking is a symptom of stress in your cat.
  • Cats are territorial, but if he marks his territory in an unusual way outside his litter box, it’s a sign of something more
  • Damage to furniture, curtains or even toys can also show that your cat is having a hard time.

Calming your cat’s stress

Cats are sensitive to change and are also often very vulnerable to stress. The reality is that there are several factors that are capable of upsetting your kitty. The arrival of another pet in the household or a new family member could be a cause. But also holding a celebration or even a change of furniture could stress your kitty.

Of course, a move is also a stress factor and is probably unavoidable. However, there are some things you can do to help calm your feline pet’s stress when he gets nervous.

The first thing to do is to identify the cause of the stress and find a solution if possible. If it is the arrival of another pet, try to make the change as smooth as possible. You could introduce them a little at a time until they get used to each other’s presence. Also provide separate feeders and drinkers.

When faced with a nervous cat, try not to overwhelm it or force it, because you could obtain the opposite result to the one you are looking for. Chances are that by simply being alone for a while in a quiet room, he can calm down on his own. You can also try approaching him slowly, using a calm voice. Let me smell your hands first.

Another option is to sit some distance away and offer him a treat. This way you will let him be the one to approach you.

In general, treating your cat with respect, patience and affection will prove to be the best solution. Always avoid nagging or yelling at him, as this will not work.

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