
Patche, the puppy that has saved his life thanks to a 3D printer


For some time now, 3D printers have started to come into play in our lives. They have arrived timidly, but promise to be useful in many fields.

The functionality of these machines is to replicate designs in 3 dimensions, allowing the possibility of creating parts with volume, either from a design made by computer, or collected through a 3D scanner.
We will not dwell too much on how it works, because it is somewhat complex. But if you are interested in this topic, you will find a lot of information on the internet.
What we will tell you is that large industries, such as the automotive, medical and food industries, are already using this tool.

Its usefulness is so great that in medicine prostheses are already being printed or research is being carried out to reproduce organs with 3D printers using stem cells.

But let’s get to the case at hand today, Patche:

Patche, the puppy that has saved his life thanks to a 3D printer

Patche is a cute dachshund who is 9 years old and lives in Canada. This furry boy was suffering from a brain tumor. But this year, Patche underwent a successful operation and, with the help of a 3D printer, veterinarians reconstructed his brain.

The severe tumor had deformed Patche’s head and its weight prevented him from lifting his head. And immediately the verterinarians saw that in removing Patche’s tumor, they had to remove part of his skull as well.
Before this type of operation, veterinarians usually shape a titanium mesh over the spot to be covered, but the truth is that this procedure involves a lot of time in the operating room and increases the risk of death for the patient. In order to avoid that risk, the doctor responsible for Patche, thought of the new 3D technology.


Thus, the veterinarians, with the help of an engineer, created a 3D model of Patche’s head and tumor and a titanium prosthesis that fit perfectly with the hole that Patche would have in his skull after his tumor was removed.

The fact that Patche has successfully overcome this whole process and can return to normal life thanks to the help of a 3D printer is very good news. But the truth is that his operation is the first of its kind to be performed in North America and represents a breakthrough in medical research against cancer, not only in veterinary medicine, but also in human medicine.


Congratulations and thank you, Patche!