Other Pets

Ideal fish combinations for living together in aquariums

combinación de peces
Escrito por Mundocachorro

The coexistence between fish in an aquarium is a subject that has always concerned aquarium lovers. Different fish species have different needs and therefore the aquarium must be designed to meet them. This means that there are some combinations of fish that are ideal for living together in an aquarium.

In fact, the creation of a harmonious aquatic habitat in an aquarium depends largely on the proper selection of fish so that they can coexist peacefully. Thus, choosing the right species is essential to maintain a balanced and healthy environment for the aquarium inhabitants. In this post we tell you about the ideal fish combinations you can have in an aquarium. In addition, other factors such as tank size, behavioral compatibility, water requirements and territoriality must also be considered.

Examples of ideal fish combinations

Tetras and corydoras: Tetras are colorful, peaceful schooling fish that get along well with corydoras, which are bottom fish that help keep the aquarium clean. Both species share similar water requirements and coexist harmoniously.

Guppies and tetras: These species are known for their peaceful nature and vibrant colors. They are easy to care for and can cohabit in a community aquarium without problems, provided there is enough space and hiding places.

Angelfish and harlequin fish: Angelfish are elegant and are often the center of attention in the aquarium. They coexist well with small, active harlequin fish, which creates an interesting visual balance in the tank.

Betta and corydoras: Bettas, although they can be aggressive with their conspecifics, can coexist with corydoras due to their different habits. However, a watchful eye must be kept to ensure that there are no territorial fights.

Factors to consider

The size of the aquarium is a determining factor in the choice of fish species that can coexist without problems. The more space available, the greater the diversity of fish that can be kept. It is recommended to investigate the space and territory requirements of each species before deciding which combinations are appropriate.

In addition, observation of the natural behavior of the fish is crucial to determine compatibility. Some species are more territorial and aggressive, while others are peaceful and adapt easily to living with different companions. For example, tetras and corydoras tend to be popular choices due to their calm nature and ability to inhabit schools.

It is also essential to consider the water needs of each species, including factors such as temperature, pH and water hardness. Some fish prefer freshwater environments, while others thrive in more saline waters. Combining species with similar water needs reduces stress and promotes the overall health of the fish in the aquarium.


Selecting the right fish combinations for an aquarium is critical to maintaining a peaceful and healthy environment. Thorough research on specific species, their individual needs and behaviors will help create a balanced and attractive habitat to enjoy the beauty and diversity of aquatic life. Don’t forget that regular monitoring and proper aquarium maintenance are essential for the continued well-being of the fish.

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